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‘Super Band’ I’ll Says “My Brother, MINUE, Hugged Me Without A Word”

관리자 | 2019-07-19 | 조회 1311

I’ll from ‘Super Band’ talked about his brother MINUE who is active as singer and actor.


The press conference for Hoppipolla winnning JTBC entertainment program ‘Super Band’ was held at JTBC Building on July 17 at Sangam-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul. 

Hoppipolla’s vocal I’ll is also known as a younger brother of MINUE.


I’ll commented that “Since I was young, my brother was always strict when it comes to music. While I was shooting ‘Super Band’, he encouraged me by saying ‘Is that the best choice?’ or ‘There might be better choices’”. 


He continued and said “As our team became the final winner of ‘Super Band’, he hugged me without a word. His hug was touching more than any words”.


I’ll also delivered that “I am not sure whether we will have a time to show other sides of Hoppipolla in the national tour. Please come to Hoppipolla concert to enjoy our new sides”.

MBN Star Popular Culture Department, Reporter Yunji Ahn


