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‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ MINUE Appears at Autopsy Room...Tight Tension with Jaeyoung Jeon

관리자 | 2019-07-01 | 조회 524


 ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ Photo./ Source=MBC


In MBC drama ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’, MINUE appeared on the autopsy room.


‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ is an investigation drama about the cooperation between a strict forensic doctor Bum Baek (Jaeyoung Jeong), a new passionate prosecutor Eunsol (Yumi Jeong), and experienced prosecutor Jihan Doh (Mansuk Oh). As every episode covers the mysterious case, the drama recorded The Nielson capital ratings of 9.8%.

On July 1, ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ team released scene cuts where MINUE (Chul Jang) appears on the site of autopsy for the criminal who kidnapped Nosusanna (Suyeon Han)’s daughter, Seohyeon Han. The released scene cuts showed the delicate war of nerves between MINUE and Jaeyoung Jeong (Bum Baek) carrying out autopsy on the unidentified kidnapper.

Especially, in the last week’s episode, Jaeyoung Jeong sharply looked at MINUE and asked “Did you touch a dead body today?”. Then, MINUE calmly answered “Yes, people always die at the hospital’. The episode showed the close tension between the two characters.


Also, the last week’s episode also revealed MINUE double life as a cold-hearted and strict surgeon in emergency department and as Doctor K who stands at the center of mysterious murder cases to lead the case to the maze. The viewers are showing expectations for the next episodes.

Diretor Dochul Noh who directs ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ said “The conflicting relationship between Jaeyoung Jeong and MINUE will provide decisive clues to further cases and bring more to the episodes”. He also commented that “Please look forward for the chemistry between the characters and development of the further stories”.

The 17th and 18th episodes for ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ will be aired on July 1, 8:55 PM.

Reporter Yuna Tae

