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[★Pick]‘Super Band’ Hyeongwoo Kim-Team Reinterprets Radiohead’s ‘Creep’…

관리자 | 2019-06-17 | 조회 311

[Reporter Hyojin Kim] In ‘Super Band’, Hyeongwoo Kim team reinterpreted ‘Creep’ by Radiohead.

In June 14, JTBC ‘Super Band’ episode 10 was broadcasted and it covered the participants’ performances for the last 4th round with a free combination mission. 


Hyeongwoo Kim team composed of Hyeongwoo Kim (Contrabassist), I’ll (vocal & keyboard), Hyeonsang Ha (vocal & guitarist), and Jinho Hong (Cellist) performed with ‘Creep’ by Radiohead. 


‘Creep’ arranged by Hyeongwoo Kim team emphasized the deep feelings through the harmony of two vocals and heavy sound of cello and contrabass.  

After the performance, Jongshin Yun said “I was really attracted by the mood and I enjoyed the performance. However, I am not sure whether ‘Creep’ was the right song. This song has a strong color and the team tried to change the color. But I still find the aura of ‘Creep’ in the performance. I think the mood would have been better with more varying melody rather than the simple melody”. Yun also pointed out that “I couldn’t fully enjoy the performance because of ‘Creep’. Usually, people have high standards over the arrangement of this song and that’s why that the performance was less moving even if the performance itself was great”. 


Jongwan Kim also said “I totally agree with what producer Jongshin Yun just said. I loved every part of the stage itself. The sense of space and the mood were excellent. But after the performance, I wasn’t partially satisfied with the song because the image of the original ‘Creep’ song was too strong”. 


Yunsang Said “Of course, the performance on ‘Creep’ involved some parts that we could easily expect. However, I think the performance showed enough originality of the four members. I heard that Hyeongwoo Kim learned bowing from Jinho Hong and the bowing was very pleasant to hear”. Yunsang also complimented that “Although this is a band audition, I really liked the part where the cello and contrabass started the beginning part. In every round, I was impressed by the fact that Jinho Hong was a natural pop artist instead of a performer from a classic music world”.


Especially, Johan said “I actually don’t think of cello as a cool instrument. However, when I see Jinho Hong’s performance, I get surprised by his insane cello performance”. 


Johan also praised Hyeongwoo Kim team and said “Actually, I think ‘Creep’ was an excellent choice. I loved the balance in every part. In each moment where members started singing, I just fell in love with the members. I especially like the part where Hyeonsang Ha sang the high note and it was very impressive. It was the first time for Hyeonsang Ha to sing such a high note and I was deeply moved. Also, the two vocals know to combine their voices”. He also added that “As I saw the performance, I enjoyed every part instead of evaluating the performance. That’s why I gave high points for this team”.


Suhyun Lee said “Personally, I would like to comment on Hyeonsang Ha’s high note. When the audition continues with rounds, there is a moment where you need to face the high note. For me, I couldn’t overcome the high note during the audition. When you are not 100 % confident in your high note, others can clearly notice it”. Lee added that “When Ha hit the high notes twice, I couldn’t feel any hesitation and I could feel that his fully recovered his confidence. I would like to give a big had for such courage and sound. His high notes were really moving”.


In the vote result, Hyeongwoo Kim team received the highest point of 98 from Johan and received the lowest point of 82 from Jongwan Kim.  


JTBC ‘Super Band’ is a program for finding the hidden genius musicians and composing a super band with the best combination and music. JTBC ‘Super Band’ is broadcasted on every Friday at 9:00 PM.


Source : Topstarnews (http://www.topstarnews.net)

