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"From Murder Attempt to Drug"…'Partners for Justice Season 2', Breathtaking Tension in First Episode

관리자 | 2019-06-06 | 조회 353





[Mydaily = Reporter Seungrok Lee] The special cooperation of Jaeyoung Jeong, Yumi Jeong, and Mansuk Oh returns. ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ continued the power of season 1 with breathtaking case from the first episode.




In June 3rd, the first episode of new MBC Monday and Tuesday drama ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ (Script: Jieun Min, Wongi Cho, Directing : Dochul Noh) was aired. MBC’s first season drama ‘Partners for Justice Season 1’ ended in 2018 with favorable reviews from the viewers. ‘Partners for Justice’ is about the cooperation between a forensic doctor Bum Baek (Jaeyoung Jeong), new passionate prosecutor Eunsol (Yumi Jeong), and experienced prosecutor Jihan Doh (Mansuk Oh). Jaeyong Jeong, Yumi, Jeong, Mansuk Oh, and minue Noh will be leading the season 2.


 Season 2 takes a time setting a year after the season 1. The first case was about an injury between offender and victim of sexual harassment happened in the workplace. In the case, the offender was suspected on injuring the female staff at the bar.


Eunsol more experienced than season 1 pointed out the offender for a charge on the murder attempt. However, the offender denied the charge by exercising the right to remain silence. Then, Jihan Doh appeared and tried to find the truth of the case by figuring out intention stealthily.


The offender’s attorney was Hyun Kang (Eunsuk Park). In the court, Kang called Bum Baek as a witness. Then, Baek said that “Possibility of self-harm cannot be excluded”. His opinion supported the claims of the offender and Eunsol faced unfavorable condition from Baek’s testimony. When Eunsol asked him, “Are you 100% sure”, Baek cold-heartedly answered that “You cannot be 100% sure in forensics”. 



In the episode, Mysterious Doctor K was called to find the drug hidden inside the dead body found at the criminal gang’s drug smuggling scene. Doctor K wearing a mask extracted the internal organs with cold eyes but there was no drug inside the body.


When Bum Baek arrived at the scene for autopsy on the bodies, Baek noticed that the internal organs were removed by a professional and became curious about the case.




The injury case was extended to a murder attempt case as the victim had a brain death. However, the prosecutor authorities were obstructed by the opinion of Bum Baek from National Forensic Service. Then, Eunsol and Jihan Doh tried their best to find the new breakthrough.


The criminal gang suddenly attacked the Bum Baek’s autopsy site and ordered him to find the hidden drug inside the dead body. When, no drug was found inside the body and the gang threatened Baek, he suggested a deal on finding the drugs thinking about the 3rd person.


While Bum Baek dragged on the time with criminals, the National Forensic Service staff tried to find the evidence within the limited time. The first episode of ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ ended with a scene where the criminals hand a drug and Baek takes the drug risking his life.

[Photo = MBC Broadcasting Scene]

(Reporter Seungrok Lee roku@mydaily.co.kr)

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