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Minue Noh Returns with Partners for Justice Season 2 After Military Service, Noh Says “I Am Nervous

관리자 | 2019-05-30 | 조회 348


[OSEN= Reporter Soyoung Park]

Minue Noh appearing in MBC new Monday and Tuesday drama ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ delivers his feelings and expectation for the drama.

MBC’s new Monday and Tuesday drama ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ is an investigation drama about a real cooperation between a strict forensic doctor Bum Baek (Jaeyoung Jeong), new passionate prosecutor Eunsol (Yumi jeong), and experienced prosecutor Jihan Doh (Mansuk Oh). The new season will be about how the cooperation developed in response to developing crimes. ‘Partners for Justice’ is a well-made genre drama is made in collaboration with a director Dochul Noh famous for captivating directing and visual style and a scenario director Jieun Min loved by viewers for scenarios.

In the drama, Minue Noh acts as Chul Jang who is a cold-hearted specialist in emergency department. Noh and his character will be captivating the eyes of the viewers as a strict doctor who cares patients in the hospital’s frontline, emergency room.  

When asked about his feelings for acting as a new character in ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’,  Noh said “This is my first drama after completing the military service. Although I am excited, I feel nervous at the same time”. He also said “It’s my great honor to be in MBC’s first season drama. Also, I am fully motivated by the excitement and I could focus on the drama with such excitement”, showing his attachment for the drama.

In addition, Noh showed his expectations for the partners who will be leading the dramas together. He said “Every time I read the script with other actors, I get synergy effects from the passionate energies from them. Also, I am really excited about shooting with Jaeyoung Jeong and Mansuk Oh”

In the interview, Noh described about the special teamwork between drama team. He said “Our director leads well during the shooting and I feel much comfortable in acting. I am also developing into a better actor by communicating with others on various parts”. Noh also shared an episode about the cheerful mood in the set. He said “Since there are a lot of dark and heavy scenes, shooting site is usually quiet. Then, there was a scene where the director had to make “No Good’ sign because of rumbling stomach”.   

Director Duchul Noh introduced the new characters in season 2 and said “It’s true that I am especially affectionate about Chul Jang in ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’. Chul Jang confronts with Bum Baek and adds tension to the drama”. He also said “I am putting efforts on every scene with Chul Jang by communicating with Minue Noh and I have a great expectation for Chul Jang. I hope our viewers would support the new characters in Season 2”.

‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ will be first aired on upcoming June 3.


[Photo] MBC

