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[I'll] Information on I’ll’s 1st WhiteDay Fanmeeting [I’ll BE THERE] in Japan

관리자 | 2018-03-01 | 조회 884



Here are MJ Dreamsys.


In coming March 14, Ill 1st WhiteDayFanmeeting [Ill BE THERE] will be held in Japan.

Therefore, we would like to remind you of few rules during fan meeting. 


During the fan meeting, all shootings (photo, video, recording) are prohibited.

Filming with camera or taking picture, shooting video, and recording with personal cellphone are prohibited. Also live broadcast through SNS is not allowed.


Special stage and I’ll IllXMINUESPECIAL VIDEOare prepared for the fans coming to the fan meeting. Furthermore, in the fan meeting place revealed through Instagram, fans will be having video call with MINUE. 

Thus, in order to protect the copyright and portrait rights of the artist, we would like to make advance notice that all kinds of filming are not allowed.

Since leaked videos can have direct damage on the artist, if you find anyone filming the concert, please warn them of above items. We would like to remind you again that you may be forced to leave for not complying with the above notices. 


For smooth fan meeting and for not interrupting the other fans coming to the fan meeting, please observe the above notices.


Also, for fans who could not get the tickets for missing the ticket application period, there will be ticket sales on the fan meeting scene. 

If you missed the ticket, please purchase the ticket on the fan meeting site. 


We are preparing various events to provide precious memories at the 1st fan meeting and please look forward to them.

Ill 1st WhiteDayFanmeeting [Ill BE THERE]!

We will be expecting you at the fan meeting!


Thank you.