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I’ll 1st Fanmeeting notice on event goods

관리자 | 2018-02-20 | 조회 648




I'll’s first Japanese fan meeting , which will be held on March 14th, 2nd ticket sales starts from today! 


And we are preparing and planning to give special gift to fans at the first fan meeting, which happens to be a White Day.

I'm going to release one of them in advance today!

A couple picture with MINUE which had been loved by many fans, released through the I'll’s Instagram.

On March 14th, that picture will be presented as a gift item of the event at I'll's first fan meeting !

There is only one couple picture in the world!

A chance to be two lucky heroes of the gift item for your precious memories is open to everyone participating the fan meeting! 

So please come and enjoy! 


Thank you.