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2019 I'll 1st Fanmeeting 'Welcome to I'll Land'_3rd Notice

관리자 | 2019-09-02 | 조회 1164



This is MJ Dreamsys.

Notice on the opening of additional restricted viewing seats of I'll 1st Fanmeeting 'Welcome to I'll Land'.

With the support of fans, we have decided to open an additional restricted view of the concert hall. Please check the following information.

<Visibility Restricted seats additional open>



·Date : 2019.09.03 PM06:00
·Ticket Price : All seats ₩66,000won

·Preparing for the opening of the tickets, September 3rd PM5:00 until PM6:00, reservations and cancellations cannot be made, so please refer to them when making reservations.
·Visibility Restricted seats are seats that may be limited by facilities and equipment such as handrails in the concert hall.
Please make a reservation after considering the inconvenience of attending the concert compared to the first open seat.

Ticket reservation : ticket.interpark.com

Thank you.