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'Partners for Justice2' Jaeyoung JeongxMansuk Oh, Will They Catch MINUE?…Rising Tensions

관리자 | 2019-07-16 | 조회 1166

(Seoul=News 1) Reporter Jihyun Lee = The latest episode of 'Partners for Justice Season 2' showed Jaeyoung Jeong and Mansuk Oh trying to catch MINUE. 

In the episode of MBC Monday and Tuesday drama ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ aired on July 15, Jihan Doh (Mansuk Oh) requested Bum Baek (Jaeyoung Jeong) on having an autopsy on Youngsu Park who is a public official at National Tax Service. Youngsu Park died while he was discovering the corruption of Mansuk Oh. The case of death was the snake venom.

Youngsuk Park heard that his father’s grave was damaged and he visited the grave to repair the grave. Hearing the news, Chul Jang (MINUE) disguised as a mountain climber and he seemed to plan another case in clothing different from his normal wear.

While Youngsu Park was repairing the grave, someone approached Park, and Park was found dead. Chul Jang sent an e-mail to Bum Baek titled 'T63’ with a horrifying smile.

Knowing Park’s death, Jihan Doh immediately ran to Bum Baek and said “The criminal intentionally disguised the case as an accidental death. I need you to have an autopsy right now. Please”. Then, Bum Baek agreed on having the autopsy on Park.

After autopsy, Bum Baek only found snake’s tooth marks. In the angiogram, however, Bum checked vascular injury with his naked eyes. As all blood vessels were damaged without apparent wound, Bum Baek started finding the marks of injection. Especially, when he incised the stomach, disgusting smell came out of the stomach. Baek said “This stomach is filled up with liquid mixed of alcohol and mold. I also smell yeast”.

As Bum Baek had no related experiences, his carefully thought about the autopsy result. He said “The victim had symptoms of hemotoxic and neurotoxin. Although I have been working for National Forensic Service for 11 years, I haven’t seen a snake venom death case”. He also added that “I couldn’t find a clue on whether someone else intervened on the death of the victim”.

Bum Baek thought about Chul Jang. When Baek told Jihan Doh about the e-mail he got, Doh asked “Why would someone send such e-mail? Without the e-mail, this case could have been closed as an accidental death. Is someone trying to start a fight with you?”. Doh also added that “I think the criminal is challenging you. He intentionally disguised this case as an accidental death and he is challenging you to solve this case. I wonder why it had to be you”.

Doh also added that “The criminal know that you don’t wear a mask during the autopsy. Maybe, someone who saw your autopsy could be the criminal. Do you have any suspect in mind?”. Then, Bum Baek answered “Chul Jang”.

However, when Doh went to find Chul Jang, he was already gone and he was not working for the hospital anymore. Even more, his personal information was all gone under the instructions of Daechul Gal (Doguk Lee). As Doh thought about the ways for finding Chul Jang, he said “I know one thing about him”.

Meanwhile, Chul Jang met Daechul Gal. Gal said that he knew Chul Jang killed mother but didn’t sent him to the prison. He widely opened his eyes and threatened Noh by saying “You didn’t end up in the prison all because of me. You should be thankful. I still have documents about your mother’s case”. Then, Chul Jang refuted back and said “Go ahead. Let’s see what happens next”.

Also, Jihan Doh went to Chul Jang’s house to find out who he is. Gal called Jang said “Where are you? You shouldn’t be at home. Jihan Doh is going to your house. Stay away from your house”

Then, Jihan Doh also got a call from Hansin Noh (Sukhwan Ahn). Noh said “I cannot issue a search warrant”. Although Doh claimed that the address is related to the suspect related to the crime, Noh refused to issue the warrant.

Doh angrily said “Why is everyone keeping me away from this house?”. Then, he picked up a brick and threw at the window. The viewers are paying attention to whether Bum Baek and Jihan Doh will find the true. ‘Partners for Justice Season 2’ is aired on every Monday and Tuesday at 8:55 PM.
