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‘Super Band’, Hoppipolla Team Says “We Will Play Comforting Music About Hope”

관리자 | 2019-07-04 | 조회 2147


In final rounds of JTBC ‘Super Band’, Hoppipolla(I’ll, Youngso Kim, Jinho Hong, Hyunsang Ha) is called ‘Family’ showing special harmony. Viewers supporting their familial mood said I’ll and Jinho Hong are like parents and Hyeonsang Ha and Youngso are like two sons. 

In the first round of the final, Hoppipolla went up to the stage in the first order with a huge pressure. Hoppipolla sang ‘Hoppipolla’ (means ‘jumping into a puddle’ in Icelandic language) in the third language called ‘Hope Language’ to move the hearts of people with messages of peace and comfort.


Frontman I’ll who sings and plays keyboard said “Hoppipolla has a clear musical color. We week music that talks about hope and sometimes comfort people”. He also commented that “Our team sings a song with clear messages and song that makes people comfortable at any time like going to work or before going to sleep”. 

‘A genius 19-year-old guitarist’ and Hoppipolla’s youngest member Youngso Lee showed his love for his team and said “Instead of combining the typical combination of vocal, guitar, bass, piano, and drum, I wanted to make a band that breaks the stereotype through unique combination of my guitar, classic instrument, and unique voices. Hoppipolla is the team I have been dreaming of”.


Classic cellist Jinho Hong shared thoughts with Youngso Kim in his love and thoughts toward the team. While he was not used to play without a score, he said “Now, I can practice without score”. He also thanked the members and said “I am always moved by how other members care about me and follow my lead”.


Jinho Hong explained about competitiveness of Hoppipolla and commented that “When people think about ‘band music’ they often think that it’s not the music for listening with earphones and that band music is just for manias. However, ‘Super Band’ taught me that people actually love unique and emotional bands with classic instruments and bass without drum”

Vocal Hyeonsang Oh who grew up during ‘Super Band’ said that ‘Our team will aim for beautiful music that people can emotionally relate to”. He also showed his confidence in the remaining stages by saying “We want the listeners to feel as if they watched a film after listening to music”. He also emphasized that “We tried our best in every moment and we will continue our efforts”.


Hoppipolla’s goal is to make a band that expresses the powerful sound and delicate hearts of people through music. Hoppipolla members said “We make music for giving hopes and comforting people. We want our listeners to know that we get comforts and powers from their cheers and supports. We always feel thankful for our listeners. At the same time, the members showed confidence and said “The remaining stages will clearly show diverse and deep musical colors of Hoppipolla”. 

The final 4 teams will be selected after the 2nd final round and 13th episode of JTBC ‘Super Band’ will be aired on July 5, 9:00 PM.


(Photo Source = JTBC Super Band)

DongA.com Reporter Chihun Song   

