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관리자 | 2018-09-21 | 조회 1442





This is MJ Dreamsys.



The fans who are having a great time in September with MINUE comeback concert. 
To be happy with MINUE even in the upcoming October.
We will held Halloween Party!



It would be different atmosphere and more special configuration with concert, fanmeeting.

The 2018 Halloween Party will be held in Tokyo, Japan!



▪︎Date : 31, Oct 2018(Wed)
▪︎Place : HOTEL椿山荘(Chinzanso)TOKYO
▪︎Time : PM17:00~
▪︎Seat : All seats reserved
▪︎Ticket price : 48,000 Yen(Tax included)
▪︎Ticket sale Receptionist : E-mail

1. Dinner

2. MINUE’s Gift
3. 1:1 Photo time
4. Game


[How to participate]
E-mail → Payment Guidance Mail → Deposit → Confirmation of participate after confirming payment


[FC Pre-sale Information]
▪︎Receptionist : ~2018.09.25(Tues) Paid members who are completed-registration at to PM 23:59
▪︎FC Pre-sale Reception period and Payment period : 2018.09.26(Wed) AM10:00 ~ 2018.09.28(Fri) PM23:59
▪︎FC Pre-sale Receptionist : ticket.minue@gmail.com
   -Name / Address(Shipping) / Contact / HH Member number / Number of tickets(3 per person), Enter info and send the above email.


[General Sale Information]
▪︎General Sale period : 2018.10.01일(Mon) ~
▪︎General Sale Receptionist : ticket.minue@gmail.com
    -Name / Address(Shipping) / Contact / Number of tickets(3 per person), Enter info and send the above email.


-You can apply for up to 3 tickets.
-The seat for this offer is designated at random.
-After payment is confirmed, participation is confirmed.
-Tickets can be sold out early because the personnel of the venue is limited.
-If the seat is sold out at the reception of the FC membership, general sales may not proceed.


[Contact Us]




The Halloween Party with MINUE!
We are preparing various events and composition
Please expect a HOT party!



Thank you.